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The beginning of a daily log as I work to come back stronger and in better shape and health.
Bench Press
Bar x 25
95 x 10
135 x 10
185 x 8
225 x 8
275 x 6
315 x 6 x 5 sets
345 x 14 (Done to Failure)
Close Grip (Pause Off Chest)
315 x 8
315 x 8
315 x 7
(All Done to Failure)
DB French Press
60 x 12 Each Arm x 3 sets
Lilly Shrugs
75 x 12 x 3 sets
Side Raises
40 x 15 x 3 sets
Rack Chins
BWT x 10 x 3 sets
Overall great training day. Still not pushing the bigger weights. Just working on form tweaks, Reps, and confidence. My bodyweight is starting to drop more and more week to week. I was 307 today, down from 315 three weeks ago.
I’m emphasizing a diet that I believe will improve my body in appearance, but more so in function. I wrote about this before but I have access to Bison, and Elk so those will be my mainstays for red meats. I will have beef here or there out of ease, also I will be consuming at least one fish meal per day, and two egg meals per day.
My carbohydrates will come from sweet potato, jasmine Rice, Cream of Rice, Oats, and fresh fruit.
I will also be consuming at least 6 cups of green vegetables daily.
I feel very good about the direction my training, and body are going, and mentally the gym is fun for me. I have no plan to rush myself, but I do have a plan, and I’m excited to share that daily as I go.