For the sake of those reading this I believe we will call today “Day 1”. Honestly, being 20 years in, calling my training Day 1 seems odd. However it’s a public notice of my goals, and how I intend to shape my training moving forward. Most people looking from afar would assume that my lifting days are done. Far from it.

I had surgery last July, and in the hospital I had a very hard conversation with my surgeons, and doctors about the overall condition of my body. It was not good. My heart was being abused via high blood pressure, and resting heart rates that for most would measure the same after a good workout. My liver/kidney levels were elevated, and my sleep was terrible due to sleep apnea. I was 342 lbs, and I don’t care how you try to frame it, that’s not good.

I had chased a sport I loved so much, that I traded my body, health, and in many ways my happiness to be the best I could be. Good on the platform. Terrible in every other way. So I decided that I could literally keep killing myself slowly, or I could adjust my life to focus on health, and overall strength.

In doing so my diet has evolved to a keto/carnivore style diet where my primary food sources are fat and protein. My training is revolved around movement, strength, and conditioning.

I’ll give more detailed coverage of those things as we move forward, but to start my goals are to be happy, be a better man, friend, father, family man, businessman, and to help others struggling to let go of things that hold them down, and to help propel them forward. Thanks for joining me:

Day 1:

Wake Up: 4:42 am, immediately drink 20 oz water, and take 1stPhorm Master Brain AM.


*Warm Up

400m Row x 6

1:00Rest- 8 Air Squats per Rest

*Goblet Squat- 3 x 8 Reps

*KB Swing- 3 x 10 Reps



315 x 6

355 x 16 (As an AMRAP)

335 x 5

*Pause Squats

275 x 4 x 3 sets

3 count

*Step Ups (Knee High)

75lbs DB w/Straps

3 x :30 fast paced

*Lilly Shrugs

3 x 10


*2000m Row- 7:28