
Rehab Training

TKE (Light Band)

100 Reps each Knee

20 Minute Cycle

Block Slide Step Outs

4 x 12 per leg

Stretching w/Weight Resting on Knee

5kg x 20 minutes


Leg Press

5 Plates x 12 x 4 sets


Warm Ups

315 x 5

365 x 5

405 x 3

495 x 2

535 x 1 x 5 sets

Snatch Grip Deads

315 x 5 x 3 sets

Lilly Shrugs

75 x 10 x 3 sets

Prowler Pulls w/Rope

3 Trips


2500m 14:39

Today kicked my ass. I was running behind all day and I rushed myself. I should have slowed down and done my work in the gym, but I lost focus. I killed the 535 singles but I’m still staying on point. I wanted to pull 600 today, but it’s coming.